The Gutowski Files: Bill Means New Shooting Ranges On Federal Land
On this installment of the Gutowski Files we sit down with investigative reporter Stephen Gutowski of and discuss a bill that sailed through both houses of congress that will require the Department Of The Interior to build new shooting ranges on federal land in the coming year. Then we spend a few minutes discussing our respective football teams and their recent exploits and playoff hopes.
Active Self Protection exists to help good, sane, sober, moral, prudent people in all walks of life to more effectively protect themselves and their loved ones from criminal violence. On the ASP Podcast you will hear the true stories of life or death self defense encounters from the men and women that lived them. If you are interested in the Second Amendment, self defense and defensive firearms use, martial arts or the use of less lethal tools used in the real world to defend life and family, you will find this show riveting. Join host and career federal agent Mike Willever as he talks to real life survivors and hear their stories in depth. You'll hear about these incidents and the self defenders from well before the encounter occurred on through the legal and emotional aftermath. Music: