Instructors Tim Reedy and Patrick Flores
Is competition good for defensive handgunners? Some say habits learned there will get you kilt (killed) in the streets. The honest answer is: It depends.
Shooting fast and accurately under pressure is ALWAYS a good thing.
Getting started in competition can be daunting. We’re here to take the mystery out of what to expect. After this course, you should be able to arrive at your first local match with confidence in what you are doing and start gaining the benefits of Competition for the Defensive Handgunner.
In this extract of a four-hour class, we will introduce you to three common types of handgun competition: IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association), USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association), and Steel Challenge.
We will cover the pros and cons of each sport, discuss the basic rules, where they are similar and where they differ in scoring methods and stage planning.
After that, we will shoot an IDPA stage and a Steel Challenge stage and demo a USPSA stage.
Tim Reedy
TDR Training
Tim Reedy has over 1,200 hours of personal defense training and decades of experience in concealed carry.
Tim holds many certifications; chief among them are Rangemaster-certified Master Instructor and Massad Ayoob Group Deadly Force Instructor.
TDR. The company's training mission is to provide top-quality self-defense training to all law-abiding students. We offer this training without regard to what you look like, where you’re from, who you worship, how you identify, who you vote for, or who you love. Our classes are a politics-free zone.
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