I have a friend who's been anti-gun for a fairly long time; but his girlfriend is licensed for CCW and, as he recently discovered, so am I.
They'd ask if they could join us the next time my wife and I went to the range, and we of course said yes. His girlfriend was planning to guide him into the process.
As it happens, another issue came up and she was unable to attend, but he still went with. So I adopted the role of "helpful friend", doing my best to let him make all the decisions but to run him through the basics of safety and handling.
Afterwards, we went to dinner and I asked him for his thoughts in general on the experience -- pre-empting details which I know he will need to take time to absorb and reflect upon.
He said the two biggest things were the sense of incredible weight of responsibility just picking it up after he loaded it, overcome, to a degree, by the immense sense of awareness he suddenly had about everything going on around him; and the other was the sheer surprise when the first round broke.
I gotta' say, if those were his first two biggest impressions, he's welcome to join me at the range any time he wants. Gun on/Ego off. Good start.