So back during the "lock downs" was when I made a decision to become a good sane sober moral prudent self defender. In Dec. 2021 I purchased 2 different 9mm hand guns and then purchased my first case of 9mm training ammo ($435.00 out the door. Can you say ouch?) My first shots went down range with those on Jan. 1, 2022. In March John came out with this video "10 Round Dot Assessment (March Drill of the Month)" on you tube. I shot this drill for the first time a week or so after the video posted. I missed one or two that first time, but found it to be a fun challenge. So next time I set one up at 3 yds and 1 up at 4 yds and shot them back to back. Then next time I set one up at 5 yds. Shot 3 and 4 clean missed one at 5. Next time I set up at 3 yds, 5 yds and 7 yds and have been shooting that as my opening drill for several sessions. I have yet to shoot it all clean, but still find it a fun challenge. Recently Mr. Correia posted a video shooting 2 inch dots at 10 yds. I've now added a target at 10 yds and have shot it twice now. Last week was the first time in close to six month's since I have done any live fire. I shot 3yds and 5yds clean, missed 3 at 7 yds and 4 at 10 yds. This week I shot it the same only missing 3 at 10 yds this time. 2 inch circles at 10 yds is definitely a challenge, but I find it to be a fun one.
I like shooting this drill cold at the start of every session as I am an accuracy first shooter and once I have confirmed my accuracy, I can then start working on speed and performance.
I would highly encourage you to incorporate watching the original video and implementing it into your range practice, not in the way I have, but how Mr. Correia presented it in the video.
I wish there were a way to post photos and video's here in the forum's because as the old saying goes "pics or it didn't Happen," but I don't facebook anymore, so you will just have to take my word for it.